Tuesday, October 14, 2008

thanks giving

I am thankful for so many things!!!! My family helps me out with our house and these boys on a daily basis and without that help I'm sure I would be in a very large pile of laundry mixed with dirty diapers not showered probably sobbing............Kim always knows when I need a Tim's!!!! Nana and Dode come and help me get organized and Mahka can take over the yard work like crazy and help with the heavy stuff!! Max & Grady's Pa's are there to let them escape this sometimes crazy house and Grama Pink stops by to let me escape from this sometimes crazy house. I'm thankful for our whole family I can not imagine living anywhere else!!!!! We are thankful for our friends!!! We have so many!!! They are always up for reminding me I'm still "me" even when I'm deep in mommy ville........it usually ends with Jenny 2 many coming out but its great to know I'm still me, I will never grow up!!! I will always have a good time no matter where I am (yes I have had fun at the National Hotel!) as long as I'm with my friends and family it doesn't matter. I am so thankful for my beautiful friend Lindsay she has changed many people this last while with her outstanding attitude and her outlook on life once you read her most heart melting words you will know what I mean!! http://www.lindsay&phay.blogspot.com/ . I am so crazy thankful for my boys!!! They are the most amazing human beings in the world I am not just saying this as their mom anyone that has spent time with them knows this!!!! There has been so many days where I've gotten overwhelmed and been in a horrible mood (hiding in that laundry, dirty diaper pile not showered) and Max & Grady can look at me a certain way or say something and I'm all better they can make my worst days the greatest in a single second!!! (I still think I need to read Lindsay's blog each Monday morning just to start things off on the right foot!!) I am thankful for my best friend (last but not least), my husband he has a way of reminding me daily why I'm so in love with him even when I can start the day off with him driving me totally nuts!!!!!!! Me wanting to scream and all of a sudden he does something so "Mark" and all that goes away, little bugger is very hard to be mad at!! I miss him like crazy, I can't wait till the day when he is working in PA and with us every single night!!!! We are so thankful that he is working so hard for us!!!!

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