Monday, October 13, 2008

Grady is 1

My little prince is already one I can't believe a year has flown by Im pretty sure we just brought him home from the hospital last week!!!!! He is a monkey!!! He weighed about 20lbs last month Im thinking if he was weighed today hes got to be at least 30lbs!!! He crawls EVERYWHERE if you turn your head for 3 seconds he will be on the stairs, he has already fallen down 4 stairs he cried for about a minute and then went right back I on the other hand didn't have a normal heart rate for about an hour!!!!!! He has to stand up all of the time but not on his own yet as soon as he realized I wasn't holding him today he sat right down...........I still think he is going to be running by the time Santa gets here!!! He has 6 teeth now and by the sounds of his cries last night I think 6 more are on their way. His smile and nose crunch is enough to drop you to your knees!!! His giggle melts your heart and you will wish for having eye lashes half as beautiful as his!!!!! Happy Happy Birthday my love!!!!!!

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