Monday, October 13, 2008

nanny 911

My beautiful niece was here from Ottawa for 2 weeks she helped me sooooooo much!! She helped fold laundry, change diapers, she even put Max down for his naps. It was so great having her here it was so very heart breaking to say good bye!!!!! Auntie Cory helped out a bit too...........Since Bianca's birthday was before they got here we thought we would throw her a little party while they were here, we sent B off to go get some clothes and when she came back we were in our pj's and the whole living room was one big bed and beside the bed was our pedicure station. She loved it we had a slumber party!!!! It was great we ate lots of junk food watched an extremely cheezie movie ("Another Cinderella Movie") and we had pedicures and we giggled!! AHHHHH I miss them so much!!!!!

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