Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Grady is just over 19 months old and he is one of a kind, speaking in full sentences ALL OF THE TIME!!!! He is so goofy and knows it!!!! He is also spirited like his brother but very cuddly!!! He tells us he loves us all of the time and gives hugs and kisses, he comes up to you and says "I want you" he gives a hug and a squeeze then pushes you away, sometimes its a trick and he comes up to you and makes a fist and hits you while saying "smasher"....where did that come from?????DAd???? We haven't gotten the bitting thing solved just yet but we are working on it!!!! He is such a feisty sweet little monster, that can out eat our family...............I think it is my fault that he is rough because I can't help but squish him when I hold him he is so damn cute that I can't contain myself and I smother him with a million kisses......... sorry Grady only 72 years of that I promise!!!! I love you Grady xoxoxox

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