Friday, March 6, 2009

La Jolla

LOVE the GPS!!!! We typed in Children's Pool beach and it took us to even a great parking spot!!! This is where all of the pregnant seals as well as the ones with newborns hangout, so cool where we parked all you could see was alot of people starring down at the water you can't see anything else so when I got out and looked I couldn't believe it, it almost doesn't seem real!!! We got to hang out on the beaches on both sides of these lovely ladies both beaches were a hit!!! Ryder and Max I think would have chased waves forEVER, they'd go in & wait then scream and run out again and again and again, Max would bring us shells and then bury them in the sand???not sure why.......Grady just sat there and watched and played in the sand, they were both so content and so happy it was so incredible, the first ocean experience was better than I could have ever dreamed, I so wish my boys could have met Great Aunt Dorothy and she could have took them into her back yard (lucky lady it was in Nanimo) and she could have taught them everything!!!! Those boys would have hung on her every word plus she was always such a calm spoken lady she could have been my ocean side baby whisperer............Nan would have been there to make sure we were all safe and sound (worrying about the boys the whole time they were near the ocean!!)............Grady and Max might have been a bit much for my dear old Nan, I really think she'd get a kick out of Grady's slap shot..........she would love that they love being read to, the only time usually during the day that they are the way they were on the beach.................perfect!

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