Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day

It was my mom's 30th Mothers Day and my 3rd, so crazy!! I had to tell her that I had way cuter kids than she did, sorry mom! I love being a mom!!I was very spoiled this year my little men are sending me off to the spa tomorrow for a massage and a facial, I'm so excited!! Smart boys it is exactly what I wanted and needed I wonder if Daddy helped out?!?!. My mom spoiled me with beautiful roses & Auntie Kim went to my heart with a "Joe" gift card, thank you!!!!!!!! I wish Max knew it was Mothers Day today then I'm sure he wouldn't of asked me to go away so many times............At least Grady didn't mind hangin with me!! Max made me a bed on the floor last night and got me to cover up and asked if I was comfy......way too cute he must have thought Mothers Day was yesterday.

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