Thursday, June 7, 2012

Emmett Leo Jr. McDougall

As of Saturday morning, June 2nd I believed I was to be pregnant forever I had had a week of false labour contractions off and on but NOTHING. I went for walks all of the time I sat on the stupid exercise ball everyday but little Emmett would not come out!!!! So on Saturday night when contractions started I ignored them and didn't tell anyone, Mark had just finished major yard work it was Leo's 60th the next day and all of our "back up" people were busy so at that point I knew I was really in labour!!! I woke up Mark at 2:00am to tell him that the contractions were happening and we should finally go to the hospital! My mom came over and off we went. As soon as I walked into the assessment room my water started to break, thank god!!! They had no choice but to keep me!!! There was no way I was going home!!!
I was put into a room and my contractions started to slow down but it didn't matter I wasn't leaving! At 10:00am they hooked me up to see how things were progressing and my contractions were almost 12 minutes apart it was discouraging but it didn't matter! Well the second they unhooked me my contractions went to 2 minutes apart and very intense and I knew he was coming very very soon!!! I got moved to a delivery room were I waited for Dr Painter to arrive, by waiting I mean held on for dear life!!!! I went from 4cm to 9cm very very quick!!! Dr Painter got to the room and it was go time a few pushes later at 1:29pm my beautiful little (huge) baby boy was on me crying!!! The greatest sound in the whole world!!! I could not believe he was real!! We really got another beautiful baby boy!!! 9lbs 1/2oz 21.5" long and you guessed it looking exactly like his dad!!! I phoned Max and Grady right away and they came to the hospital to finally meet their baby brother. It was better than I ever imagined they were instantly in love it was a moment I will never ever forget, they were so excited and proud!!!! So Im posting a few photos..........I can't help it!!!! I can not believe how very lucky I am!!!!! Did I mention that grampa Leo now has to share his birthday!! It was Mark's dads 60th birthday, so thats what Emmett was waiting for!!! And go figure that is exactly who he looks like!!
Thank you so very much to everyone that was there for me!!! Mark and Kim were a perfect team and I couldn't have done it without them!! I couldn't talk but just hearing Marks voice and hearing Kim tell the nurses what I needed and when I needed it was the strength I needed!! Just knowing that my mom and Marks mom were in the background was perfect!!! The nurses at the hospital are so fantastic! I love  my labour nurse! She was a rock!!! And thank you for Dr Painter for "catching" baby Emmett!! It all worked out PERFECT, worth the wait!!!!! I LOVE my family seriously I am the luckiest lady in the world!!

1 comment:

lindsay said...


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