Monday, August 15, 2011

Nothing better

While Im posting I just realized I washed Max's shorts and I forgot to take out the minnows he was collecting............gross!!!!!
Its so weird here at home if there was crumbs in my bed I would freak and re make the bed at the lake sand in my bed is totally fine!!!! Go figure! How could things be so much more enjoyable only 45min from our house?????
We had such a great weekend!! We got to hang out with Tracy and Madden then Kim, Shawn, Finn and Nora came to the beach then we got to celebrate uncle Kelcys birthday!!! We spent time on the boat and then went back to the trailer for a AWESOME meal!!!
Nora's first time touching sand

Finn was very happy to be Free!!!

Out of the 20hrs on the beach Max spent 19hrs in the little fish!!!! WE are so lucky to be able to go to the lake all of the time!!!!!!!! I love love it!!!

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