Monday, August 29, 2011


My little baby is some how old enough to go to Kindergarden. He walked to school today and I had to walk behind him and asked me to stop taking pictures he let me take the last couple if I promised to leave. He helped pack his lunch last night and his backpack with all of his supplies. Im so proud of you Max you were such a big boy today, now Im off to go pick him up. Hopefully I don't cry again!

Long Lake Life Post

Sorry I can't help it I feel like this was our last beach weekend so I might have gone over board with this post!!!! One more weekend and our poor trailer will be closed up so sad!!!!!!! We had such an amazing summer!!!! I LOVED every minute of it now to think of something to do this winter!! That reminds me I will be a hockey mom as of next month so that is something to look forward to!!!!!

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The growing McDougall family............

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Prince albert, Saskatchewan, Canada

Max McDougall

Max McDougall

Grady McDougall

Grady McDougall