Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

2009 Went by sooooo fast!!!!

January was quiet and cold like every January!! Except for my parents they went to Mexico.

February was busy we listed our house and went to Palm Springs to visit Nana and Grampa. The boys had their first plane ride and loved it, Max stills talks about the trip, he remembers more than we did. They also saw the ocean for the first time, fed a giraffe and a dolphin. It was a great month!!!!

March home to reality, cold.....showing the house all of the time for nothing but at least the house was clean. Mark and I went to Calgary (by ourselves) we stayed with Lindsay and Phay and then we went to Banff for a wedding. It was so beautiful the weather was so great until we woke up and realized we were stuck in Alberta!!! It was great to get away but so so good to go home I'm sure we will do it again!! I also started back at the Herb Bassett Home part time. At the end of the month we went to a wedding in Moose Jaw, what a beautiful city!!!! The boys had such a fantastic time we can't wait to go back!!

April, Max turned 3 we had a house full of course!!! Max was spoiled of course!!!

May was so good! We went to the lake for the long weekend, I also took photos for my first wedding. Its such a good feeling when the weather gets better and my little ones can be outside!!!

June, Summer is my most favorite time of year!!!!!!! We did have to say good bye to the trailer at Sunsetbay, we were very sad but now we have been able to check out other lakes!!

July I worked alot more at the home but took some time off when Mark was off and took the new tent trailer we bought to Candle Lake the weather the day we got there was hot & perfect then we woke up to crap but still had a great time!!!! We love our 1982 Bonair tent trailer!!!!!

August was a very very busy month, Cory and Bianca came to visit finally!!! We took them camping for the night but Cory and I got a call from Shawn and had to sneak out at 4:30am, Kim was in labour!!! Baby Finn was born August 23, Mark turned 33 we celebrated Cinco de Marko, we had such a good time!!!!!!!!!!!!

September the hottest time of the summer I could have actually went camping for my birthday go figure!!!! We had to say good bye to Cory and Bianca its never ever easy!!! Max started preschool 2 weeks late he was so excited and still LOVES it!!! We had to hold him back because he had broken his collar bone........... I had to turn 31.....Grady turned 2 look out world here he comes!!!! We had a full house for little Grady, we had a hockey birthday party it was perfectly crazy!!!

October we had a pretend birthday for my dad and a great thanks giving!! We had to say good bye to Nana and Grampa they headed back to their place in Palm Springs. Halloween was good except for the snow storm and the extra Halloween candy that I thought I should be a good mom and eat it all to save their teeth and tummies!!!! Oh ya and we sold our house we forgot our password on Saskhouses so we really didn't want to sell we had somewhat given up, we got a call and we thought we will show it one more time at least our house would be clean!!! Well they saw it at 6:30 and made an offer at 8:30..............we sold it and then realized we couldn't build we had to start looking and at the last minute we went to look at a house on Bliss and we knew right away it was our house!!!!!

November packing moved into our new house November 22nd, I am not moving ever again I am staying here till I am a grama!!!!!

December, Christmas was so excellent this year the boys were awesome, Max still can't believe Santa ate all of the cookies!!! We were very spoiled, it was such a relaxing holiday well as relaxing as you can get when you have a 2 year old and a 3 year old!!! I am the luckiest gal around!!!!!!!! I really don't want to brag but I have it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 2010 to you I wish everyone lots of memory making months ahead hopefully life slows down a bit Im scared my boys are growing to fast which in turn I think is making me older and Im not ready to grow up!!!!!!

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