Tuesday, April 17, 2012

family and Belly Photos

Thanks to my gorgeous friend Lindsay I am finally in some photos and now have such an amazing treasure of my last pregnancy (TEAR, TEAR, TEAR) I love the photos so much and will make a point of  doing it more often!! The boys grow so quick Max is 6 already 6!! Grady will be in kindergarden in the fall.......... and we havent had a photo together for almost 2 years!!! thats horrible! At my work family photos are every residents most prized possession, its their memories to look back on so I need to promise not to put that stuff off!! Anyways here are some of the fantastic photos by LindsayRaePhotography.


Max is 6

Max's feet!!!!

Everyones first look at Max!

Home from the hospital, so sweet!!!!

6 years ago!!!!
My baby is 6! HOW he is growing sooooo fast!!!

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The growing McDougall family............

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Prince albert, Saskatchewan, Canada

Max McDougall

Max McDougall

Grady McDougall

Grady McDougall