Monday, July 4, 2011

July Long

This weekend I stayed extra close to my little family! I am so very lucky to have what I have!!!!! Life is so precious and I hope to live everyday to the fullest!!!! This weekend was really FULL!!!!!

We had such a great time we tye dyed shirts, swam, built sand castles, visited with the cousins Grady even asked Jim (the guy that looks after the campground) to take off his training wheels both boys took a try Grady did about 10ft and then realized I wasn't holding on and a fell. Max helped Jim do some work too. We watched fireworks and ate ALOT of bush pies!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jyl said...

I love the shot of the fireworks with the mini Canadian flag! Looks like it was a great weekend!

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Prince albert, Saskatchewan, Canada

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