Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Preschool Graduation

School is out for summer!!! Max is now ready for kindergarden..........sigh......tear.....tear.....I will be such a loser at their grade 12 graduation!!!! So we are so very proud of Max and Grady the teachers say they will be missed so very much! I hope the scanned copy of Max's year book is big enough its worth a read!!! The teachers at Wee Care Preschool are AMAZING  they think of everything and more!!! They have made such a impact on all of us!!! They are so patient with the boys and me!!!!! Thank you so much you beautiful teachers I know my boys are handfuls!!!! They love you all!!! Have a great summer!!!

Here are some quotes from Grady's year book I couldn't scan it..........

Grady is really happy when....."I kiss my mom"
Do you think you will get married? "no beacause I don't love them they are just my friends"
my mom is "39"
my dad is "30"
Moms favorite thing to do is put make up on" umm what when do I put make up on?????
If I could buy anything I would buy "a new black car for my dad to drive"

The boys made their teachers bracelets this year I can't believe I didn't take pictures of their finish work!!! But I did take one of them doing it for their teachers card.

My perfect boys!! I love you both!!

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