Thursday, June 23, 2011


We have been so very lucky to have Cory and Bianca here it is never for long enough but we do what we can in the time we have even if its raining ALL of the time....well we did get some sunshine. We have shopped, ate, ate and ate a bit more we have gone to the lake we've swam, splashed......we drove looking for bears only found a fox and 82 deer........we have played house(Max is the dad, Bianca the mom and Grady the baby just starting day care????), we have played airplane and some penguin game???we have laughed and ate and shopped some more.......Max, Grady and Finn are obsessed with both of them!!! Bianca is getting none stop kisses from Finn, lucky girl to be surrounded by such cute men!!!!! Now we will catch up on some sleep and enjoy every second of our last couple of days with our eastern love muffins TEAR TEAR now this is when air canada can go on strike.............

Friday, June 17, 2011

Patiently waiting

Cory and Bianca are HERE!!!! Air Canada is lucky because if that strike would have stopped me from seeing those 2 I would have freaked!!!!!!!! So we left Cory in Saskatoon to work and we have come home and now Bianca hasn't had a free minute without a little boy following her!!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Preschool Graduation

School is out for summer!!! Max is now ready for kindergarden..........sigh......tear.....tear.....I will be such a loser at their grade 12 graduation!!!! So we are so very proud of Max and Grady the teachers say they will be missed so very much! I hope the scanned copy of Max's year book is big enough its worth a read!!! The teachers at Wee Care Preschool are AMAZING  they think of everything and more!!! They have made such a impact on all of us!!! They are so patient with the boys and me!!!!! Thank you so much you beautiful teachers I know my boys are handfuls!!!! They love you all!!! Have a great summer!!!

Here are some quotes from Grady's year book I couldn't scan it..........

Grady is really happy when....."I kiss my mom"
Do you think you will get married? "no beacause I don't love them they are just my friends"
my mom is "39"
my dad is "30"
Moms favorite thing to do is put make up on" umm what when do I put make up on?????
If I could buy anything I would buy "a new black car for my dad to drive"

The boys made their teachers bracelets this year I can't believe I didn't take pictures of their finish work!!! But I did take one of them doing it for their teachers card.

My perfect boys!! I love you both!!

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The growing McDougall family............

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Prince albert, Saskatchewan, Canada

Max McDougall

Max McDougall

Grady McDougall

Grady McDougall