Saturday, April 16, 2011

Max is 5

5 years ago really?!?!?! 5 years how is time going by so fast!!! 5 years ago right now I was hanging out at the hospital working thru some contractions ( I just watched the video ) Anyways at 4:52pm there came Max!!! 8lbs 1oz perfect!!! Looked exactly like Mark!!!! Max you are so sweet, serious and intense!! You have the greatest memory EVER you have such a great sense of direction!! Already very competitive where oh where could that be from????? You LOVE sports!! We are having a hockey party today for you, well most of your birthdays have been hockey are very very loving just not in public that much anymore I have to chase you just to get a kiss good bye at school, you get embarrassed infront of your buddys well thats too bad because I will kiss you ALWAYS!!! I love you so much Max, I love our chats even though I feel like Ive worked out after them......I love how much you stick up for your brother and how you take care of me when Im sick.! I love the way you do push ups (seriously the cutest thing EVER) and how much you look up to your dad!!! I love you so very much!!! Happy Birthday my love muffin!!!!


I was in labour in the last photo........Easter supper.......contractions were 9-10 min apart by the time I went to bed........feels like yesterday!!!!

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