Wednesday, August 4, 2010

East Glacier National Park, St Mary Lake

Well this was the most beautiful but the hardest to get to!!! Maybe because we took the scenic route instead of the main road, at check in (this is after we over heated twice without a cell phone no shoulder highway last of the group out of walkie talkie range 2 tired toddlers crazy hot out not using air conditioning windy mountain road) my mom was very stressed since they came back and looked for us, she mentioned to the happy KOA lady that the road here was way too much it wasn't safe and she the happy KOA lady chuckled and said you must have taken the scenic route the road to St Mary is 70 all the way I wanted to politely ask her to never speak of this again and to tell her this was by no means a laughing matter!!! So you would think Mark the driver of this event would be in a corner with a Miller asking for the day to be over, instead he was setting up camp organizing the truck, the storage bins sending us off to the pool to hang you got to love mountain air!!!! We were honestly surrounded by mountains the sky was crazy bright blue and it was my sister's 30th, Uncle Shorty made the most fantastic supper!!!! It was the best bbq pizza Ive ever had!!! We had some pie for Kim and watched her open 30 presents!!! The next day we had a big breakfast followed by a big hike to a waterfall and then some more pool time!! It was our last night with Cory and Bianca its never enough time together and it always goes faster than we want!!!! The next morning good bye broke my heart!! It sucks that they live so far away!!! The boys loved every minute with Bianca and Im always happy when Im with both my sisters and my Shanny (and the rest of the Griswalds too of course!!!! xoxox) After the tears stopped we went on a boat ride thru the mountains and docked at a little creek which lead to a beautiful waterfall (do ugly waterfalls exsist?? and do creeks come from anywhere else?? anyways......) We stopped and had a quick lunch and went back thinking we were having a rainy afternoon but nope blue sky and more pool time!!! What a great time I will go back there forsure!!! Some day I will be brave enough to go on the "Road to the Sun"!!!!!!! I will of course take the "hahaha route 89 to Shelby then over so I can go 70 didn't you know" road. The little St Mary town is very cute and the park is awesome if you don't have a thing about heights its a must!!!!

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