Monday, August 31, 2009

Finn Leo Blackman

The newest man in my life!!!! My nephew was born on August 23rd 2009 @ 4:30pm weighing 9lbs 6oz, yes that was her due date!! She said it was the Headrick way to give birth on her due date!!! Finn is so beautiful!!!! I can not believe how much I love him and how proud I am of my little sister, her and Shawn went through the hardest birth experience known!!!! Kim only worried about her little man its so crazy how fast you become a mom, she wouldn't let anyone fuss over her! They are both doing perfect now!!! Home sweet home, Shawn is a fantastic dad!!! He looks after his son and wife perfectly!!! He is so cuddly and sweet (no not Shawn!!!!) I could squeeze him!!!! I really did forget how little and perfect they come, mine run around too quick so I've forgotten!!! I do think Kim & Shawn might be a little jealous of the fact that our little men sleep thru the least Finn doesn't talk back yet!

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