Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Max, the 2 year old!!!!

Max had his last gymnastics class today, seems fitting he turned 2 today and finished the "baby gymnastics" next week we start "big boy" gymnastics! I hate how fast time is going by! 2 years ago right now it was "go time", my water had broke and I 8cm. It was so exciting to find out who I had been carrying for 9 months!! Now here he is walking, running, climbing, talking, talking back, yelling.......something new everyday!!! I don't remember our lives without him!! He is his own little man! A very spirited little boy!!! I wonder how many times Ive kissed him in 2 years!?!? Crazy to think how much I loved him the moment they handed him to me and to believe I love him a million more times today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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