Saturday, November 24, 2007

At the end of the day

Both of the boys are bathed, Grady is already in bed and Max is very close as you can see!! An end to another fantastic day!
I know your thinking how can she blog so much???? I look at my little family and I can't believe how lucky I am, I want to capture and savour every moment!!!! My camera is always close by, but in all honesty I only take about an 1/8 of pictures of the cute things I see in a day can you just imagine what the day in the life of me is like, yes I've only had 3 hours of sleep and no they weren't together and we had some moments where I should have taken a certain someone to the timeout chair, and everything I pack Max comes and checks it out by relocating it and Grady has pooped thru 2 sleepers................ but at the end of the day when I can catch my breath none of that stuff matters only the extra cuddles I get do!!!! It makes it all worth while!!!!! Thats why I think we should have more, right Mark?!?!?!

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