Saturday, April 21, 2007


Hi Everyone,
welcome to Max's new home and the future home of his new brother or sister. I'll update as much as possible there is ALOT of room in these blogs I can post as many pictures as I want!

Max is one now and very busy he's not crawling or walking but he insists on being on his feet with his golf clubs at all times all of our backs are ready for him to learn how to walk. He has taken a couple of steps on his own but the one time he was lunging for cream cheese icing and I don't think he realized he did it. The poor guy finally has another tooth coming in it seems he's been "teething" for ever and only 2 teeth to show for it. Its bed time now we are off to see Aunty Regan at the golf course tomorrow morning (its already open, crazy?!) Good night

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