Thursday, July 21, 2011

On July 20th 2011.....

On July 20th 2011 we watched Shawn enter the operating room and waited patiently for the most beautiful sound ever.....CRYING, you forget how much of a miracle it is to have a baby come into this world!!!!! The sound of crying is really the best sound there is I know there are times where you forget that but on a day like today it was magical!!!!! Shawn walked out of the room holding Nora Victoria Jen Blackman weighing 9lbs 3oz 19 3/4" the most beautiful girl!!!!! Oh did I mention the roundest!!!!! Wow her neck roll is the sweetest thing ever and I could have taken 1million photos of her feet!!!!!!! Why does a newborn smell so perfect??? Its crazy to love someone so much after meeting them for a split second but really I loved her the second I saw the + sign!!!!! Awwww my little sister has 2 babies!!!!! THANK YOU Nora and THANK YOU doctors and nurses at the Vic for making this experience perfect!!!! Finn you are maybe still not forgiven for making us all crazy 2 short years ago your big sister has restored the "birthing" experience!!!! Did I also mention how honored I am that this little lady has my name on her birth certificate thank you Kim and Shawn it means alot!!!! I LOVE BABIES!!!!!!!!


Sweet Dreams

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

another beautiful weekend!!!!

The sound of waves and boats on the water the smell of hawaiian tropics the feeling of the hot sun and the mosquitoes and horse flies biting like was a perfect weekend!!!! PERFECT, Grady practiced casting on a island for hours, Max was a fish for the day and I was a beach bum which I do best!!!! Ive never been happier being surrounded by my boys and awesome friends and SUNSHINE & SAND!!!!! We even got to try tubing we enjoyed it for the most part but..............maybe we will wait till next summer for the next tube ride!!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

July Long

This weekend I stayed extra close to my little family! I am so very lucky to have what I have!!!!! Life is so precious and I hope to live everyday to the fullest!!!! This weekend was really FULL!!!!!

We had such a great time we tye dyed shirts, swam, built sand castles, visited with the cousins Grady even asked Jim (the guy that looks after the campground) to take off his training wheels both boys took a try Grady did about 10ft and then realized I wasn't holding on and a fell. Max helped Jim do some work too. We watched fireworks and ate ALOT of bush pies!!!!!!!

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The growing McDougall family............

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Prince albert, Saskatchewan, Canada

Max McDougall

Max McDougall

Grady McDougall

Grady McDougall