Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Road trip

Well this is as far away as its going to get for awhile soooooo we made the best of it, we got to stay in a great hotel go for a swim got to shop and to go to the movies and the weather wasn't too bad...........we stopped at the Zoo on our way home so we could say hi to Yogi bear and Booboo, Humphrey and Kate, Mufasa and Simba, the Zoo is fantastic this time of year we had the whole place to our selves! Max is going back to let the wolves out he thinks they are sad being locked up. We are never going back to Sea World either yes Max you should free all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas 2010

Well this post isnt organized but either was our Christmas it went by in a flash!!!! We are all spoiled and full!!!! It was a fantastic holiday!!!! We went to the radio station on Christmas Eve, our long standing tradition, Max was a hit Im thinking he will have his own show by next year!!! We took a little rest then off to Nana's for a Christmas Eve Party then stopped at the Scarrows then straight to leave out some milk and cookies for Santa............the boys slept till 8am and ran downstairs to see if Santa came and wow did he ever. The presents continued.........we went to Grampa Leo and Grama Pinks for brunch and we were spoiled again and had the greatest brunch........then off to my mom and dads where we were spoiled again and ate again by 7pm the boys were very tired....its hard being little!!!! Mark and I took a little break on Boxing day and had some Christmas Cheer with friends So much fun!!!!! Then the next morning we headed to Whiteswan to see Nana and Grampa Darryl, it was very nice to relax and oh ya eat again!!!! The boys got to go ice fishing the next day and even help grampa pull up a fish. The boys loved it they didnt really like just sitting in the shack but who does?!?!?! If only christmas was longer and slower and if there was a way that all the holiday food was low fat...................

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The growing McDougall family............

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Prince albert, Saskatchewan, Canada

Max McDougall

Max McDougall

Grady McDougall

Grady McDougall