Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Puerto Albert

A beautiful day in the sunshine, this morning we chilled by the pool & went on the water slide a couple of times, then off to the buffet where we had a choice of grilled cheese sandwiches or grilled cheese sandwiches, after lunch it was straight to the beach where we enjoyed the hot sun and played in the sand, Max LOVED the sand and even shared his toys with Grady (I think he loved it so much because he got to eat it.......this could really back fire in the summer) It was time for a ciesta in a nice air conditioned room (=2 outside walls when its -31 without the windchill) It might be -31 out there but it was +31 in here winter can kiss our bums!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Hockey Town

I can't believe that both boys love watching hockey..........

Friday, January 25, 2008

Big Boys now

Alot has been going on in 2008, the boys are in new beds...........Max is in a big boy bed and so far so good he had a week on a mattress on the floor and now he is in his very own bed and I think he loves it. He is very excited when someone goes upstairs to check it out, he hasn't figured out that he can get up whenever he wants he just yells "Momma I'm coming, mom, mom, mom, mama!!!!!" so that means the crib was free for little Grady (not so little he is already 14lbs) so we moved Grady into his own room into his very own bed. I HATE it I want my boys to stay tiny forever!!!! I haven't taken apart the play pen yet I want to put Grady back in our room but he is doing really good in his room (the first 2 nights were hell) he is even having a nap right now and its been over an hour knock on wood!!!!!!!! Maybe someday soon I will be able to get some sleep either that or tell everyone dark circles are totally in, they are the new "pink".

Grady is moving alot faster than Max did, he has to be sitting up at all times so he can watch Max do what he does, he is already kicking and grabbing at his toys and even giggles at himself in the mirror (the cutest thing Ive ever seen, worth stopping by to see!!!!) We are off to go shopping wish me luck.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Big beautiful eyes

Grady is getting very anxious ti get in the crib, wish us luck Max's big boy bed will be here at the end of the month

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My little gymnist

Max had his first gymnastics class on Wednesday and the coach promises me it will be better by the 3rd or 4th time?!?!?! Max didn't really follow the group but it was still alot of fun I can't wait till next week!!!


I make these boots look good

Max has been crazy for shoes these last couple of days (wonder where he gets that from???)

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The growing McDougall family............

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Prince albert, Saskatchewan, Canada

Max McDougall

Max McDougall

Grady McDougall

Grady McDougall