Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Feast

We went over to Grampa Leo's & Grama Pauline's and if you can believe it we got spoiled again!!! We had a great visit and Max's uncles I think had more fun with the mini sticks than Max did!!! We had an amazing supper!!!! I can't move Im so full!!!!

Merry more Christmas

Merry Christmas Afternoon with the Headrick's

We got sooooooo spoiled this year!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU We love you ALL

Christmas morning, the spoiling continues!!!!!!!!!

Santa was here!!!!

Santa did very well this year!!!!!! Max loved his slide and hockey net it was the best thing ever to see his reaction!!! I have a funny feeling that Grampa was just as excited about his Wii.

Christmas Eve Eve

We went back to our place after Nana's party and my mom & dad, Aunty Kim & Uncle Shawn met us there for a sleep over. We did have to put Max straight to bed, he has been such a good boy for such a busy time!!! There is so much going on less naps late bedtimes not that healthy of foods and I think he did great but we really needed him rested for Christmas Day! And if you ever want to hear about our Griswald family Christmas come over for a drink and we will tell you all about it!!!

Christmas Eve

We were back at Nana's to party

The Tradition Continues

Since I was a little girl I've been going on the radio on Christmas Eve & 4 years ago Mark asked me to marry him on the radio so it was only fitting that Max & Grady went, it didn't go as well as we had hoped but it was still very cute!!!!

Christmas Begins

Christmas started on the 23rd we went to Nana's & Grampa Darryl's to have excellent munchies and to get spoiled!!! I can't take credit for the photos cousin Tate did all the work!! Max loved everything he got but he was just really interested in his movie (Arthur) & following cousin Tate around.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Its Grady's first Christmas and hes so excited he can bearly sleep

What are these?? And when can I open them??

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